Tips for beginners in MLM / network marketing

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If you are at the beginning of your professional career in MLM business than first thing we need to analyse is your mindset. If you have a thinking like: “well I will try this thing for couple of weeks and see how it goes. If it will not work for me than I will just quit.”, if that’s you than you can quit now. Just forget about MLM as this is not a lottery ticket. You need to understand that network marketing is a long term business. It’s a profession, and like any other profession you need to learn the skills necessary to make money out of it. So what that mean is that there is a time and effort required to develop the skills and build profitable business. The best thing about network marketing profession is the fact that there is no other craft that will give you a possibility to make such amount of money while having enough time to enjoy it, but most importantly no other business will allow you to inspire others and to release their full potential. This is most rewarding, priceless feeling. Admiration and respect of thousands of thousands of people is really tempting, isn’t it?
Second really important element on your way to success in multi level marketing is attending your company training events. This is, in my opinion, one of the key factors in the whole strategy of building solid, long term organisation and culture. Training events builds belief in the company and the product/services, inspire, motivate, just giving you and your team a buzz to go out there and make it happen. As a side tip all top income earners in your company do not miss any event, do you think you should follow what they do? Just saying.
Some of the critics of MLM will throw arguments that people get brainwashed on these events and just get motivational buzz that doesn’t last long. They say that it’s created only to get your money out of your pocket and when you come back there is nothing you can do with the “knowledge” you have received. There is a little bit of truth in what they say. First of all if for the whole your life your society and medias throw garbage into your head you need washing from time to time to have clean view on what’s going on out there. Just like you wash your clothes when they are dirty. Secondly if your only goal at these events is to hang out with people and have some fun than this is really expensive hobby. And this is my third tip for you. If you are investing money in the company training than when you come back you must apply these strategies in action. And when you feel uncomfortable than it’s a good sign. It means that you are going out of your comfort zone and actually learning something new. You learn the skills that will bring you more benefits than the one you used to do. So keep practising what you have learned at training event- this is crucial. Otherwise you will not see any results in your personal growth neither in MLM business. You want to make money, don’t you?
Fourth, also really important tip is self-education. If you feel that you suck in some areas like sales, speaking, talking to strangers etc. than you need to find some books, trainings, courses, seminars etc. and learn how this thing should be done properly. This is really important in your professional career in any field. As Jim Rohn said: “Standard education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.”. So work on your skills, get better every day and one day you will realise that this was the best investment ever.

If you want to hear more of my thoughts about tips for newbies in MLM than please see the video below.

I hope you have found value in today’s post I would really appreciate if you leave a comment below and share this information with your friends. Make sure you subscribe to our website and youtube channel for more free mlm training.
I wish you best success!
Robert Cielecki
P.S. Some motivational stuff for you is here.
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