How to Overcome Fear of Rejection in Network Marketing?

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One reason why so many people fail at network marketing is because they end up showing the business to only those who they feel certain about enrolling. That’s because most people struggle with the greatest fear in the world – the fear of rejection.
Many people fear rejection and see it as a failure, or even a humiliation, that’s why they never quite make the cut in the MLM business. When you have the fear of rejection, and show the opportunity to only people you feel won’t reject it, then you’re effectively cutting your own chances of success.
Eventually, the fear of rejection only leads to failure as a network marketer. So how do you tackle the fear of rejection? Here are some of the strategies you should look at.

Approach the Warm Market Confidently
 Your warm market will have many family and friends who don’t feel the same way about your business as you do. They are skeptical about the opportunity and wonder if you have made the right choice in your career. While this can hurt you, you shouldn’t allow it to get to you.
The best way to deal with doubters in your warm market is to be thoroughly prepared about the business and be knowledgeable about all the facts. You should pick up some selling skills before you approach your warm market.
 This way you will be more confident. Also, be clear to your family and friends about what you really do, so that there is no confusion. If anyone would like to know more, provide more information. What you shouldn’t do is to force your family and friends to get into something that is against their will.

It’s a Numbers Game…
Many of us take rejection personally, which is not right at all. Rejection is a part of life as a network marketer. Most network marketers deal with a plenty of rejections before they rise to the top.
It’s important to understand that network marketing is a numbers game. The more No’s you get, or the more Not right now’s you collect, you only get closer and closer to the next “Yes”. It’s the law of numbers and it plays itself out every time.
What’s important is to persist and move ahead all the time, get as many people to see what you have to offer as possible. The more you do this, the more “no’s you collect, your collection of Yes’s only gets bigger and bigger.
Perhaps a researcher would one day calculate how many No’s one needs to collect statistically before getting to the top rank in an MLM company. This would prove that every NO is actually worth $$$!!

Block out the Naysayers
 There are certain types of people you must block out of your life – naysayers, people with a poverty mindset or a job mentality. They are never likely to accept any opportunity presented by you, even though it is very much in their self-interest to do so. There’s nothing to be done about that. Present your business to them, if they say yes, that’s wonderful, and if they say no, just say a polite goodbye and move on! At least you know that’s one person in your list you don’t have to bother about in the future.

 Detach Yourself from the Outcome
 It is very important that network marketers don’t get too attached to an end result. There is nothing more damaging to a marketer’s motivation when he or she approaches a prospect with great anticipation and works very hard to sell the business, only to be rejected at the end. If you can, as a marketer, learn to detach yourself from the end result, and not get affected by it too much, you will set yourself free from the fear of rejection as well.
Don’t let rejection or adversity to get to you. Build up the courage and character you need to move forward even when all the odds are against you.
We hope this article has been useful to you. We would love to know what you have to say about dealing with the Fear of Rejection in Network Marketing or in life itself. Do keep the comments coming! And if you like what you’ve read here, be sure to “like” the article on Facebook and share with your friends.