5 Best Tips to Overcome “I am not a salesperson” Objection

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As a network marketer, you are faced with objections on a daily basis. In fact, dealing with objections is very much a part of your job. You shouldn’t expect to have it easy in network marketing – it is a profession that requires real talent and hard work if you’re to succeed at it. One of the things you should master is handling the “I am not a salesperson” objection.
There are many who suffer from the misconception that network marketing requires one to have extensive experience in sales. You will meet several prospects who decline the opportunity because they don’t see themselves as salespeople – which they believe being a network marketer is all about. You have to disabuse them of this notion and explain how network marketing is not the same as a job in sales. Let’s find out just how you can do that!

Tip #1. Find out what the Prospect truly thinks
Once the prospect gives you the “I am not a salesperson” objection, ask them additional questions and find out what they really think about sales and salespeople. Do they have a really negative view of sales? If you should try explaining to them how people working in all professions – such as politics, medicine, education, and even religion –  need to make use of salesmanship to succeed and to promote themselves. In essence, each one of us is a salesperson; it’s just that we don’t know it yet.

Tip #2. Explain how Selling is also about Communicating
Your prospect probably believes that network marketing, just like sales is about selling a product to someone. Explain how it is not so – network marketing, as well as selling – is much more than just transferring the ownership of a product from one person to another. It is essentially about communication, explaining a concept to someone, creating an interest in what you’re selling. Explain how, when a parent asks a child to eat healthy food, they are selling too. Or how, when they try to get the attention of an attractive person in a bar, they are effectively selling themselves. All communication is really about selling.

Tip #3. Explain how there is no such thing as an Unprofessional Business
A prospect may have a negative opinion of salespeople. They probably believe that most people who are in sales are unprofessional. Explain how there is no such thing as an unprofessional job or business. Yes, it is possible that some people may not be professional, but it is certainly not right to stereotype everyone who works in that profession or business to be the same as well. It is possible that the unprofessional salespeople they may have met before suffered from a lack of proper training.

Tip #4. Explain how you’re not looking for Salespeople
Convince your prospect that you’re not looking for salespeople. You’re in fact looking for passionate people who have actually never been in sales before, and who would like nothing more than to share something that is truly great with other people. Tell them how you would teach them everything there is to know about the business and the products and about how to make money as well.

Tip #5. Show some Compelling Success Stories
Success stories! That’s exactly what your prospect is looking for. Give it to them. Show them video testimonials about successful members of your network, which showcases their amazing lifestyles made possible because of the business. Convince the prospect that they can have the same thing as well. Explain how none of the successful network marketers in the video testimonials really had any prior sales experience – but obviously that didn’t stop them from making it big, did it?!

We hope this article has been useful to you. We would love to know what you have to say about dealing with the “I am not a salesperson objection” in Network Marketing. Do keep the comments coming! And if you like what you’ve read here, be sure to “like” the article on Facebook and to share it with your friends.