5 Great Tips to Overcome “I have no time” Objection

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One objection that most network marketers run into is the “I have no time” objection.  As you look for prospects, you will run into this objection several times. And on most occasions, this objection would end all conversations with the prospect about the direct sales opportunity. Is there a way to overcome the “I have no time” objection? Let’s find out how!

Tip #1. “I just don’t have the time!” – Really?
So, how do you convince a prospect who says they don’t have time for the MLM opportunity, no matter how great it sounds? They are likely to express their interest in the opportunity and how they would love to be a part of it; except for the fact they just don’t have the time for it.
Here’s what you should do. Tell them about there being 168 hours in every week. How does the time go? 56 hours are spent sleeping, 40 hours on working, 42 hours on eating, commuting, family time and finally 30 hours of the spare time on entertainment.
Ask them - wouldn’t you rather spend the 30 hours of your spare time on pursuing your dreams, rather than on entertainment? That should get their attention.

Tip #2. What Separates the Wealthy from the Masses?
Here’s what you should ask your prospect – what separates those who’re wealthy from those who’re not – the masses? It is that the masses spend their spare time on fun and entertainment. The wealthy spend it on building a business. That is the biggest difference between the rich and the not-so-rich.
Ask them if they really need to spend time on the social media, or watching TV shows, when they could use the time on building a business and making a solid extra income instead? That doesn’t mean they should completely give up on entertainment and fun, but is it not possible to have it in moderation?

Tip #3. Use Your Spare Time to Start a Business
You have to convince the prospect about why it is so important to give up the “job mentality”. Talk to them about how if they are to be truly wealthy, they will have to start their own business. No, they don’t have to quit their job just as yet, but build their own business even as they hold on to their job. That’s why it is so important to use the spare time well and use it to start their own business.

Tip #4. Talk to them about your own Success Story
Talk to them about working full-time on a job and part-time on building a fortune. Tell them how you’re working part-time on building your fortune and full-time on your job. Explain why it wouldn’t be long before you started working on the MLM opportunity full-time, because that’s how successful you’ve been at it. Tell them how you intend to use the extra time to build a bigger business.

Tip #5. Talk about truly successful people and how they spend their time
Talk to your prospect about people like Sir Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Chris Pratt, Sheryl Sandberg and other truly successful people. They have the same number of hours as everyone else does. But then why they so successful and the rest of us are not? Perhaps that’s because they use their time more productively. Tell them about how it’s their life, so it’s important to make the right choices.

We hope this article has been useful to you. We would love to know what you have to say about dealing with “I have no time” objection” in network marketing. Do keep the comments coming! And if you like what you’ve read here, be sure to “like” the article on Facebook and to share it with your friends.